Betelgeux, S.L.

BETELGEUX, S.L. is a Spanish SME specialised in food hygiene, bringing innovative and effective solutions in the following fields:
– Cleaning and disinfection in food industry: manufacture of cleaning and disinfection chemical products, and trade of dosing and application equipment for sanitisation.
– Food, water, surfaces and air microbiological analysis.
– Training of food handlers and food industry staff.
The company has a team of professionals with experience in the different areas of the industrial hygiene sector, such as: solutions that help food industries to reach high levels of hygiene and to guarantee food safety (R&D Dept.); audits on food industries’ hygiene (cleaning and disinfection procedures, sanitation equipment and cleanliness and sanitation levels) (Technical Dept.); and a variety of analyses (microbiological and physical-chemical of waters and foods, and microbiological of surfaces and atmosphere in industries’ premises) (Food and Environmental Analysis Lab., certified with ISO 9001:2000 for the analysis of foods, waters and surfaces)
BETELGEUX, S.L. has collaborated with the Departamento de Nutrición, Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in a project for the development of an innovative method for the revelation of biofilms.
Contact details:
Name: |
Dr. Enrique Orihuel Iranzo |
Position: |
General Manager |
Telephone: +34 96 287 13 45