12 March 2025  

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ainia - centro tecnológico

AINIA is a private non-profit making association, formed by companies in the agri-food and related sectors and with over 1,000 associated companies. The aim of the centre is to promote RTD activities in the agri-food sector, increase production quality, improve competitiveness and promote modernisation and diversification in agri-food industries. This is achieved by rendering service to its members, executing scientific research projects and public or private technological development.

The centre’s multidisciplinary character is proven in this project, in which 4 departments join their efforts and skills: the Instrumentation and Automation Dept. (design and development of sensors to control quality & safety in foodstuff; and application of new technologies to data processing and communication); the Bioassays Dept. (microbiological quality in agri-food industries and preparation and validation of new rapid analytical and tailored methods); the Packaging Technologies Dept. (interaction package-product, package and packaging infrastructure design and minimisation of package residues); and the Technology Transfer Dept. (promotion, management, coordination and dissemination of (inter)national projects).

Apart from co-ordinating the BIOLISME project, AINIA has participated in several research projects for the detection of pathogens and small traces of contaminants in the food sector, i.e.:
- “Development of microbiological model to evaluate the effectiveness of packaging disinfection in aseptic packaging”.
- “Rapid detection of food emergent pathogens by molecular methods”.
- “Development of bioindicators for the rapid evaluation of effectiveness in food aseptic packaging”.
- “Development of a biosensor for Thiabendazole detection in fruits”.
- “Networking in the application of biosensors to pesticide detection in fruits and vegetables”.

Contact details:
Name: Mr Jose Belenguer
Position: Technician of the Instrumentation and Automation Dept. (BIOLISME Project co-ordinator)
+34 96 136 60 90

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